Bohdan Liesnikov

At the moment I’m doing a PhD at TU Delft with Jesper Cockx. I’m working on dependently-typed programming languages, in particular on design and architecture of type-checkers and elaborators.



I've supervised a number of students while at TU Delft. Some MSc students: José Padilla Cancio (ongoing), Jakob Naucke, Ivar de Bruin, Paul van der Stel. And a few BSc students.

I helped design and run a FP course for BSc students at TU Delft, and during my time at Saarland I TA-ed Introduction to Computational Logic.

I've also been involved in bunch of meetups: co-organised FP Dag 2024, co-founded Papers We Love Kyiv, helped run and gave a talk at Kyiv::fprog.

Personal details

In professional circles I go by my full name: Bohdan Liesnikov 🇺🇦. Outside of work I go by Dana. Pronouns: they/he.

If you'd like to contact me you can send a message on Mastodon or reach out via email: b dot mylastname at gmail.