At the moment I’m doing a PhD at TU Delft with Jesper Cockx.
I’m working on dependently-typed programming languages, in particular on design and architecture of type-checkers and elaborators.
Caching constraints in type-checkers. Shelved for the moment,
sources for some of the experiments and
slides from AIM XXXIX.
Building A Correct-By-Construction Type Checker for a Dependently Typed Core Language. With Jesper Cockx at APLAS 2024.
doi: 10.1007/978-981-97-8943-6_4,
ExEl: building an elaborator using extensible constraints. With Jesper Cockx at IFL 2023.
doi: 10.1145/3652561.3652565,
There is also a shorter (and outdated) TYPES abstract.
Iris Proof Mode in Ltac2. Master's thesis with Derek Dreyer and Robbert Krebbers at University of Saarland.
pdf and sources
Generating induction principles and subterm relations for inductive types using MetaCoq.
In collaboration with Marcel Ullrich and Yannick Forster. Coq Workshop 2020.
and sources2.
I've supervised a number of students while at TU Delft.
Some MSc students: José Carlos Padilla Cancio (ongoing),
Jakob Naucke,
Ivar de Bruin,
Paul van der Stel.
And a few BSc students.